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English Tip

Tell me something that can make me feel good today. Ways to improve my mood.

by Just Play it 2023. 3. 30.

1. Going for a walk in nature: Walking while breathing in fresh air is a great way to get some exercise and calm your mind by enjoying the natural scenery. It can also be fun to explore new places or discover new things in familiar places.


2. Listening to favorite music: Everyone has experienced feeling good while listening to their favorite songs. Find some music that you love and give it a listen.


3. Having a conversation with friends or family: Sometimes, communication is necessary, and talking to family or friends can help you find peace of mind.


4. Meditating before bed: Try meditating to find inner peace. Even a few minutes before sleep can help calm your mind.


5. Finding a new hobby: Try various hobbies to gain new experiences. There are many hobbies to choose from, such as drawing, knitting, cooking, hiking, etc. 


6. Reading books: Reading a book that you enjoy can enrich your mind. Actively reading is also a good way to find peace of mind. 


7. Giving small gifts: Everyone likes receiving small gifts. Give a small gift to someone important to you, such as family, friends, or your significant other.


8. Spending time in nature: Being in nature can calm your mind and relieve stress. Try going for a walk or doing outdoor exercises.


9. Contacting friends or family you haven't spoken to in a while: Contacting friends or family you haven't spoken to in a while is also a good way to spend your day. Share your news and listen to theirs while reminiscing.


10. Trying stretching or yoga: Stretching or yoga can have a positive impact on both your body and mind. Take a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day to give it a try.


11. Eating your favorite food: We often feel good when we eat, so reward yourself by indulging in your favorite meal.


12. Giving yourself compliments: Complimenting yourself can boost your self-confidence and bring positive energy. Try complimenting yourself.


Try practicing one or more of the above recommendations to have a better day today. Have a great day!
